Monday, January 20, 2020


Power supply unit (computer)


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An ATX power supply unit with top cover removed
An ATX power supply unit with top cover removed
power sup­ply unit (or PSU) con­verts mains AC to low-volt­age reg­u­lated DC power for the in­ter­nal com­po­nents of a com­puter. Mod­ern per­sonal com­put­ers uni­ver­sally use switched-mode power sup­plies. Some power sup­plies have a man­ual switch for se­lect­ing input volt­age, while oth­ers au­to­mat­i­cally adapt to the mains volt­age.
Most mod­ern desk­top per­sonal com­puter power sup­plies con­form to the ATX spec­i­fi­ca­tion, which in­cludes form fac­tor and volt­age tol­er­ances. While an ATX power sup­ply is con­nected to the mains sup­ply, it al­ways pro­vides a 5 Volt standby (5VSB) volt­age so that the standby func­tions on the com­puter and cer­tain pe­riph­er­als are pow­ered. ATX power sup­plies are turned on and off by a sig­nal from the moth­er­board. They also pro­vide a sig­nal to the moth­er­board to in­di­cate when the DC volt­ages are in spec, so that the com­puter is able to safely power up and boot. The most re­cent ATX PSU stan­dard is ver­sion 2.31 as of mid-2008.

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