Thursday, January 9, 2020


Big organizations thrive on stable database. Many appications require different databases for various purposes. This makes it difficult for other inter related aplications to use a common daa structure across various platforms.XML is an answer for such a problem. Various databases contain data in incompatible formats. Since we know that XML is nothing but plain text, hence it provides an independent way of storing data which is neither dependent on the hardwarenor the software. such databases can easily be shared across various applications.
Let us consider asimple example. The automobile giant BMW wants to outsource its various operations like Planning, Sales and Development of cars. Suppose these responsiblities have been given to 2 different companies. How will these companies maintain uniformity in the data so that there is no redundancy? since various applications will reuire various database connections; XML can provide a common answerto such problems. Application X uses MS Access to maintain its data while application Y uses Oracle. XML will use its format to keep the data in simple text format so that both applications can use it and there is no duplcation of data.
HTML never serves the purpose of daa sharing as privacy of data is threatened using HTML. Suppose we open a website using internet Explorer. The front end of any website is usually designed using HTML. Now click on View Tab and select Source. You can see the entire HTML or XML coding of the page. Usually all the good websites will have nothing but tabs in the source. This shows that only display part is being handled by HTML. You will not find any text which you can see on the website. If complete coding is done using HTML, then all the content is seen in the source of this webpage Hence, HTML is not safe to share data across various applications.

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