Thursday, January 9, 2020


  • XML stands for Extensible Markup Language where we can define our own tags.
  • Languages like XMML which are self-describing are called meta-markup languages.
  • Document Type Definition (DTD) contains the list of all possible elements in an XML document IT also defines the valid attributes for all such elements and the types of those attributes.
  • A data island is an XML document that exists within an HTML page.
  • The structure of a simple XML document is made up of 2 parts: Prolog and Root Element.
  • The Prolog contains an XML declaration and also a reference to the DTD
  • Root Element is the first element of an XML document
  • XML tags signify the opening and closing of an XML element
  • XML attributes define the nature of an element by defining a particular value to that attribute.
  • An XML tag is nothing but a generic name for an <element>
  • XML always preserves white space in a document. Unlike HTML,XML never truncates the white space.
  • XML stores a new line in the form of LF (line feed)
  • An XML document with correct syntax is called, "well-formed".
  • When a well-formed XML documents is validated against a DTD,  it is called a Valid XML document.
  • The function of an XML parser is to read, understand and manipulate XML.
  • An XML tree is nothing but a formal structure which starts at the root and has subsequent branches.
  • XML is case sensitive.
  • Validation is process of checking a document against a DTD.
  • XML parser converts the XML content into a Java script accessible object called XML DOM.

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