Monday, January 27, 2020


IBM SOWED THE SEED OF HTML in the early 198/0s. Initially, it was known as GML (General Markuup language). It was a powerful tool that aime at creating a documentation language in which one could mark the title, headigs, text,font selection and how much more. In 1986, this concept got standardized by ISO and was named SGML (Standard Generalized Marku-up language). In 1989,Tim Berners Lee and his team designed this language and named it as HTML (Hyper text markup language). The language HTML was modified many times leading to a number of versions i.e., HTML version 0 to version 5 which is the latest one.
HTML: It stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. HTML is a complete code package that allows the user to create web pages. It includes text and graphics. Using HTML, we can add links to the web pages. Hyper links are the highlighted text segments or images that connect to other pages on the web. Let us analyze the word HTML.
HYPER TEXT: Hyper text is the text used to link various web pages. It is the text on a web page, which on clicking opens a new web page.
MARK-UP: It means highlighting the text either by underlining or displaying it in different colors, or both.
LANGUAGE: It refers to the way of communication between web pages, which has its own syntax and rules.

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